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Stay Informed: The Latest Insights in OSINT, Threat Intelligence, and Security

At Liferaft, we dive deep into the ever-evolving world of open-source intelligence (OSINT) and security. Our blog is your gateway to insightful analysis, expert commentary, and the latest trends shaping the landscape of threat intelligence, social media monitoring, and executive protection. Whether you’re managing a GSOC, navigating the complexities of SOCMINT, or exploring the nuances of alternative social platforms, our posts offer the knowledge and tools you need to stay ahead in a rapidly changing environment. 

A magnet pulling metal cutouts shaped like people towards it.

How safe is your organization from social engineering attacks?

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How to Use Social Media Monitoring for Event Security

For years, the fundamentals of event security rarely changed. But increasingly, teams have started to add a new piece to their defensive tool kit: social media monitoring.

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How to use OSINT tools for Executive Protection

Executive protection once meant hiring a few (highly trained) guys in suits on the ground, requiring a keen eye and a quick trigger finger.

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What Security Pros Need to Know About Telegram

For years, the dark web has served as a hub for criminal organizations online. But increasingly, these nefarious individuals have started to move their activities to a new..

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How to Prevent ORC Flash Mobs and Smash & Grabs

Over the past few weeks, criminals have started to employ a new tactic against retailers to great effect: ORC flash mobs.

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Talking Threat Intelligence: OSINT on Telegram, TikTok, & Chanboards

Alt-tech social networks have exploded in popularity in recent years. And thanks to lax content moderation rules, these communities have become havens for criminal groups and..

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How to Hire the Right People for Your Security Team

Over the course of interviewing dozens of security leaders on this podcast, one of my favorite questions is, “How do you hire?” Their answers always provide a great insight...

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Blockchain: The Next Frontier for OSINT Analysis

In this episode of our podcast, Talking Threat Intelligence, we're thrilled to have Nick Gicinto, Executive Vice President at Red Five Security, join us. Nick is a highly..

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7 Steps to Debunk Online Misinformation

At LifeRaft, we know from talking to hundreds of OSINT analysts that online misinformation presents a growing challenge.

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Talking Threat Intelligence: What the Media Gets Wrong About Incels

The media often portrays incels as a serious security risk worldwide. But how much truth is there in these accusations? Naama Kates, producer and creator of the Incel Project..

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