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The 7 Best Brand Protection Services

LifeRaft May 15, 2024

Digital risk protection in today's global marketplace is more important than ever. Brand abuse has risen along with the increased use of digital marketing and e-commerce platforms. Tactics ranging from typo squatting, duplicating a website's layout, and brandjacking are some ways bad actors trick customers. The result is that businesses lose revenue and suffer damage to their brand.  

Thankfully, several companies specialize in brand protection services. But which ones do you choose? In this blog post, we'll discuss the seven best brand protection solutions you can use to maintain your reputation and revenue in the digital landscape. 

Of course, the list below in no way constitutes a comprehensive list of all brand protection services. However, it does provide an excellent place to get started. 

7 Best Brand Protection Services 

  1. Nabcore
  2. Domain Crawler
  3. SnapDragon
  4. Globaleyez
  5. Allure Security
  6. Mike Legal
  7. LifeRaft

1. Nabcore 

Nabcore is based in Singapore and specializes in brand protection services, tracking, and anti-counterfeiting solutions for the Asian region.  

Nabcore is unique because it employs physical and digital technologies to gain insight into a product’s journey across all distribution channels. Nabcore can monitor the product path by assigning special identity codes to purchased products. These identity codes allow them to ascertain the sources and locations of counterfeit goods quickly.  

The company tailors its approach to fit your product and market, ensuring that you receive customized brand protection services.  

2. Domain Crawler 

Domain Name Monitoring is a solution that allows your business to protect its domain name by monitoring web domains that look similar to yours and alerting you to any infringing activity. Accordingly, you can take decisive action if someone attempts to use your brand name or logo illegally.  

As the name implies, Domain Crawler provides brand protection companies with reliable domain and backlink data. Companies have access to complete visibility of their brand across the entire internet.  

Additionally, Domain Crawler allows businesses to uncover networks of fraudulent websites connected to the same owner or server through different data points.  

3. SnapDragon 

Possessing more than just a snappy name, SnapDragon uses AI-powered algorithms to detect intellectual property infringements, brand threats, and counterfeits. Its signature software, Swoop, allows you to remove the material above with a simple click. 

SnapDragon prizes itself for its stellar customer service. Moreover, you can choose between self-service and managed brand protection solutions and services.  

4. Globaleyez 

Globaleyez boasts over 15 years of experience in brand protection solutions. Globaleyez protects a brand's e-commerce presence and intellectual property rights from infringements and malicious intent. To that end, Globaleyez conducts test purchases and monitors social media platforms, marketplaces, domains, images, apps, and the dark web. Globaleyez offers sales tracking services for prominent marketplaces and provides effective enforcement measures. Therefore, you can be sure that any intellectual property infringements will be detected promptly.  

5. Allure Security 

Allure Security is an attractive brand protection solution because it searches the internet for suspicious copycat websites, social media accounts, and domains. Their method helps to prevent identity theft, fraud, and account takeover. Like SnapDragon, Allure Security utilizes AI to implement its brand protection services and solutions automatically, thus removing the need for onerous manual scans.  

6. MikeLegal  

We’ve included MikeLegal because addressing issues like trademark infringement and counterfeiting occasionally requires legal action. MikeLegal, helps legal professionals manage intellectual property and trademark infringement issues. This company updates trademarks and patents, uses image recognition technology to detect infringements, and provides thorough trademark reports. MikeLegal's three products- Mike TM Manager, MikeTM Search, and MikeTM Watch are used across various industries in India, or brand and intellectual property protection for their clients.   

In addition to updating your trademarks and patents, MikeLegal uses image recognition technology to detect infringements and provides you with detailed trademark reports. MikeLegal has three products - MikeTM Manager, MikeTM Search, and MikeTM Watch. These products are extensively used across various industries by legal teams in India for brand and intellectual property protection.   

MikeLegal gives legal professionals a clear idea of their intellectual property portfolio. This perspective helps to save time, increase productivity and reduce costs.      

7. LifeRaft 

While we are not a brand protection service, businesses are increasingly turning to open-source intelligence (OSINT) as a critical part of their brand protection solutions. Accordingly, we’ve added our Navigator software to the list. 

OSINT is the collection, analysis, and legal distribution of attainable public information. The amount of uploaded data on the internet increases each year. Security teams have the impossible task of monitoring this ever-growing mass of content. OSINT helps brand protection strategy by: 

  • Proactively identifying online threats before they get to the crisis level.
  • Verifying the authenticity of sources.
  • Providing insights into how the public perceives corporate practices.

Navigator is an OSINT tool that has many applications, including brand protection. Navigator allows you to detect the crucial information that impacts the security of your brand, your assets, and operations, whether it's your company's reputation or the manufacturing of counterfeit goods designed to mimic your company’s offerings.  

Most importantly, we offer 24/7 customer service support and a custom demo showing how this technology can help your organization.    


The Bottom Line on Brand Protection Services

Protecting your brand's reputation is essential to maintaining consumer trust, loyalty, and success. Thankfully, there are countless tools available to help protect your brand from malicious actors. While we have not covered every brand protection service, the seven solutions discussed here should provide helpful insights into some available options. Ultimately, the best solution for protecting your online brand will depend on your organization's specific needs. Therefore, it is vital to research and determine the best possible fit. Contact us today to discuss how our product can help your brand protection strategy.  

Protect Your Company's Online Reputation 

Protecting corporate reputations represents a growing concern for security leaders. But the sheer size of the web means many cases of brand abuse go undetected. In our free guide, see how analysts use OSINT to safeguard their organization’s reputation and brand image. 

