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10 Ways to Deliver More Actionable Threat Intelligence

LifeRaft November 23, 2023
Boardroom discussions

As analysts in corporate security, our mission is clear: to deliver intelligence that enables our organizations to stay one step ahead of threats. However, the road to providing truly actionable threat intelligence is fraught with challenge – timelessness, miscommunication, information overload. This can cause frustration and sometimes poorly informed decisions.

Without actionable threat intelligence, organizations risk dire consequences. Misallocated resources, inefficient response efforts, and missed opportunities for threat prevention can lead to significant financial losses and reputational damage. In a world where threats evolve rapidly, there's no room for complacency.

So how can analysts deliver more actionable insights for decision-makers? 

In this blog post, provide ten strategies corporate security analysts can use to deliver more actionable threat intelligence. These tactics will help analysts bridge the gap between raw data and actionable insights, ultimately enhancing an organization's security posture. And whether you're working in the field of cyber or physical security, these strategies will empower you to provide decision makers with the insights they need to protect what matters most.


1. Understand Your Customer's Needs

The foundation of delivering actionable threat intelligence begins with understanding your customer's requirements. It's not just about what they want to know but also how they want to know it. Start by asking open-ended questions to capture their specific needs. This ensures that the intelligence you provide aligns with their expectations and supports their decision-making process.

To dive deeper into this strategy, consider employing persona-based analysis. Different departments or roles within your organization may have varying intelligence requirements. For instance, the IT department might be interested in cybersecurity threats, while the procurement department could focus on supply chain risks. By understanding the unique needs of each persona, you can tailor your intelligence to provide the most value to every stakeholder.

2. Customize the Approach

Not all intelligence needs to be delivered in the same format. Tailor your approach based on the audience and their specific needs. Consider the strategic, tactical, and operational levels of intelligence, and provide information that is relevant to their role and responsibilities.

In addition to customizing the approach for different personas, consider offering multiple communication channels. Some stakeholders might prefer receiving threat intelligence through email alerts, while others may want a comprehensive quarterly report. By accommodating various communication preferences, you can make it easier for your customers to access and utilize the intelligence you provide.

3. Create a Strong Intelligence Collection Plan

A well-documented Intelligence Collection Plan (ICP) is essential for a successful threat intelligence program. The ICP should link back to the customer's requirements and guide the collection process, ensuring that it is focused on gathering the right information.

To strengthen this strategy, regularly revisit and update your ICP. Threat landscapes are dynamic, and new risks emerge continually. By maintaining an agile and flexible ICP, you can adapt to changing circumstances and stay ahead of emerging threats.

4. Prioritize Early Warning Notifications

The ability to provide early warning notifications is one of the key elements of actionable threat intelligence. Identify emerging situations and flashpoints, and make customers aware of them before they escalate into significant threats. This proactive approach allows decision-makers to prepare in advance.

To take this strategy a step further, consider implementing automated early warning systems. Utilize threat intelligence platforms that can continuously monitor various data sources and provide real-time alerts. By automating this process, you can ensure that your customers receive timely notifications, even outside regular business hours.

5. Differentiate Information and Intelligence

Information is not the same as intelligence. While information is raw data or facts, intelligence is processed, analyzed, and contextualized information. Provide your customers with intelligence that offers an assessment, impact analysis, and suggested actions, not just raw data.

To enhance the differentiation between information and intelligence, establish clear quality control procedures. Implement a rigorous analysis process that includes cross-referencing multiple data sources, conducting in-depth assessments, and applying contextual analysis. This approach ensures that the intelligence you provide is not only accurate but also actionable.

6. Continuously Review and Improve

The intelligence cycle doesn't end with the delivery of a report; it includes reviewing the performance of your intelligence function. Regularly assess your processes, identify areas for improvement, and adapt to changing circumstances and customer needs.

To further strengthen this strategy, consider conducting periodic feedback sessions with your customers. Actively seek their input on the quality and relevance of the intelligence you provide. Use this feedback to drive continuous improvement efforts and demonstrate your commitment to meeting their evolving needs.

7. Maintain Ongoing Relationships

Building relationships with stakeholders is crucial for providing actionable threat intelligence. Engage with customers, ask for feedback, and be responsive to their evolving requirements. The goal is to be seen as a trusted advisor who continuously delivers value.

To expand on this strategy, develop a dedicated customer engagement program. This program can include regular check-ins, personalized consultations, and the provision of value-added services, such as threat briefings and trend analysis reports. By fostering a strong and ongoing relationship, you can position your organization as a reliable partner in their security efforts.

8. Engage in Cross-Functional Collaboration

Threat intelligence is not confined to a single department within an organization. To deliver more actionable intelligence, encourage cross-functional collaboration. Involve teams from IT, security, legal, procurement, and other relevant departments in the intelligence process.

To optimize cross-functional collaboration, establish regular intelligence-sharing meetings or working groups. This approach ensures that diverse perspectives are considered, potential blind spots are addressed, and intelligence is tailored to the specific needs of each department. It also fosters a culture of shared responsibility for security.

9. Leverage Advanced Technology

Technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing the delivery of actionable threat intelligence. Invest in advanced threat intelligence platforms and tools that can automate data collection, analysis, and dissemination.

To maximize the benefits of technology, consider incorporating machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) into your threat intelligence processes. These technologies can help identify patterns and anomalies in data, allowing you to provide more accurate and timely intelligence. Additionally, explore automation for routine tasks, such as data collection and report generation, freeing up analysts to focus on more strategic activities.

10. Stay Informed and Evolve

The threat landscape is constantly evolving, and your approach to delivering actionable intelligence should evolve with it. Stay informed about emerging threats, new attack vectors, and evolving cybercriminal tactics.

To remain at the forefront of threat intelligence, encourage continuous learning and professional development for your intelligence team. Attend industry conferences, participate in threat-sharing communities, and invest in ongoing training and certifications. This commitment to staying informed and evolving your approach will ensure that your threat intelligence remains relevant and effective.

Staying Ahead of Threats with Actionable Threat Intelligence

Actionable threat intelligence is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It requires a deep understanding of the customer's needs, a customized approach, a strong collection plan, early warning capabilities, and a commitment to ongoing improvement. By following these ten strategies, you can provide intelligence that empowers decision-makers and helps organizations stay one step ahead in an ever-changing